As the main objective of the historical Brexit mistake was the desire of England & Wales to take control of its own borders again, the free movement of people will be abolished. The EU will naturally reciprocate. This will undoubtedly mean that all UK (perhaps at that time only consisting of England and Wales) nationals will require work- and residence authorisation in the EU after the Brexit will actually occur in over 2 years’ time. In this regard, UK citizens already living in the EU could obtain another nationality and continue to enjoy their EU rights. Needless to say that this is good news for Migrantic!
Withholding taxes for related companies
Some EU directives are aimed at removing tax obstacles from businesses operating across the EU; withholding tax on dividends, interest and royalties paid between associated companies within the EU. These Directives will likely no longer apply after the Brexit, the UK bilateral tax treaties will therefore become very important again. The Netherlands have concluded one of the best tax treaties with the UK, this is therefore further good news for Migrantic.
Social security contributions for internationally mobile employees
UK workers who work in another EU member state are generally only liable to pay social security contributions of that member state. Following a Brexit, unless the UK agrees to be part of the EU system, workers may be liable to double social security contributions in both the UK and the EU member state in which they are working.
Individual income tax
Not a whole lot will change apart from the fact that a lot of wealthy UK non-domiciled residents (who pay very little income tax) may want to leave the UK for the EU. As we can achieve the same or even better results in the Netherlands, this will pose further advantages for the Netherlands as the country of choice for persons and companies fleeing the UK.